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Writer's picturePaul Coleman

And God saw it was Good

God looked at creation and it was good. Good, not perfect, not complete. Just good.

I'm not sure what finished or perfect look like. I am an expert in starting projects and almost but not quite finishing them. Sometimes I come back at a much later date and try and pick up where I left off. More often than not I just leave it and start again.

This blog is very much like that, there are currently six drafts which are almost but not quite finished. I might get round to finishing them, but for now they are just sitting as partly completed thoughts. They are good (or at least I think so) but not yet ready to be shared.

There is a bit of me that wonders if creation is a little like those unfinished thoughts, good, not quite finished, but ready to be shared and completed with others.

I'm quite glad that, unlike me, God doesn't forget about it or decide it's not right and then start from scratch, but instead keeps working towards perfection. Asking us to join in, even though we don't entirely get the vision They are working towards.

So what do I take from this?

First, I am good enough, maybe not perfect, but also not yet complete, a work in progress who is shaped by and shapes those around me, and that's ok.

Second, I don't have to achieve perfection. Sometimes good enough is good enough. This is something I wish I had realised much sooner.

Of course it's very likely that none of this is going to stop my brain going over every conversation and interaction in excruciating detail when I try to go to sleep at night.

Maybe I'll print it out to go above my desk. I am enough, I don't have to be perfect, I just have to be. ... And just in case you need to hear it as well

You are enough, you don't need to be perfect, you are loved as you are, for who you are ... You are good.

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